I suppose some kind of introduction goes here. Given my skill set, the default title seems appropriate.
I’m Ashgar, a name which isn’t original, but I’ve been using it for long enough that no one’s likely to take issue. I’m a programmer, a gamer, and now apparently a blogger. Among certain people, I’ve earned a reputation for knowing everything, but I can assure you this is false. There are plenty of things I don’t know, but I’m working on fixing that. My gaming history doesn’t go as far back as some, the first game I can remember owning and playing is Overkill. My MMO history is much shorter, as I entered the genre with World of Warcraft around the time Burning Crusade came out.
There’s a bit more to me than my background and history, but I think that wraps it up for an introductory post. I don’t know what brand of content is going to follow, but I’ll try to keep it interesting. Or at least educational.
Hello back (from the world).
Getting the blog set up and in place is half the battle already. It’s now just a case of posting. If you needs some ideas, here’s a post I wrote about those days when you seem to have nothing to write about.
Good luck with Ash’s Adventures.
Welcome to the bloggerworld! And to the NBI
Looking forward to ur future blogs 
Wow man I had no clue you had done this
This is from 2 days ago… how did I miss this? I guess I have been out of pocket most of the weekend. Good job taking the initial plunge.
Welcome to blogging! Looking forward to seeing your future content and seeing which direction your blog goes.