While it might have made sense to start with Ashgar, it turns out that’s basically describing an idealized version of myself and that’s hard. So here, have a Kobold.

Tizak is a Dragonscaled Kobold, servant/envoy of the blue dragon Zydroxa, although that’s not exactly a well-known piece of information. As he’s my character in a currently-running Pathfinder game, what he gets up to in his original setting is yet to be fully determined. Deeds so far include helping to found a settlement and working very hard to improve the opinion of kobolds and dragonkin among the other races.
In my setting, he’s the leader of an adventuring party called the Order of the Silver Scale. It is in this capacity that he’s gathered up a few other potentially notable individuals (one of whom might be a bear) and really, is still working on that whole “opinion of kobolds” thing. It’s a little pretentious that his party is named indirectly after a well-known dragon, but when the kobold is the one with the third-strongest claim to dragonkind, it fits pretty well. The “summoner” part of his abilities is also de-emphasized a bit here.
Ultimately Tizak is the go-getter of the group, the first to jump into danger. He’s not averse to making plans, but does not always wait to consider consequences before starting on a course of action. He’s also an actor and a musician, and enjoys exercising these skills to make money and also demonstrate that kobolds are good for more than just making traps.